Mount Meru is an active (but dormant) volcano mountain located north of Arusha National Park found in Tanzania, it is the second highest mountain and only 70 km from Mount Kilimanjaro. At 4562 meters, it is Tanzania’s second highest mountain and the fourth highest mountain in Africa. The Mt Meru ascent passes through many different vegetation zones. The dry forest of the lower region gives way to a dense mountain rainforest, which then turns into a scrubland. Towards the top of the mountain, the vegetation consists of heath and moorland and is then finally replaced by the stunning baron alpine deserts. As the flora changes the wildlife does so too, which is diverse and equally impressive. During the ascent, you will regularly come across large game such as elephants and buffalos but you may also come across leopards. Due to this, it is obligatory to be accompanied by an armed park ranger on your tour with us.

It is a popular “warm up” trek before climbing Mount Kilimanjaro as it offers a taste of what one can expect on Kilimanjaro mountain, but it is much more than that!
- You trek in a group with porters, cook and guides,
- You climb through different vegetation zones over several days,
- You start your summit attempt around midnight and reach the peak around sunrise,
- You then descend an awesome 2000 meters on the same day, very similar to your Kilimanjaro summit day.
- Most importantly, at a height of 4562 meters (14967 feet) Mt. Meru requires your body to make changes to adapt to the altitude.
However, when the weather plays along the Mt. Meru crater rim walk is one of the most spectacular walks you can do in Africa as the knife-edge crater rim of Mount Meru makes the climb challenging. Do not underestimate it!

Note: The summit stage contains a few simple but unsecured climbing passages. A good head for heights and sure footedness are necessary. In adverse weather conditions (heavy rain, icy rocks and paths or thick fog) the park ranger can call off the climb to the summit. We do not advice climbs in the rain season (April and May).

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