Usambaa Tourism Company creates local medicine tour and traditional healing tour guides. Usambaa tour guides have the confidence to show and teach guests the different species of herbs, how to prepare the local medicine from the medicinal plants which are used by Sambaa people and as well as to help tourist/s to visit the traditional healing man.


This is a kind of Sambaa traditional festivals celebrated to cure people from diseases and other calamities around the family. Also this is done during marriage ceremonies where people dance both sides. The mode of cerebration is through drumming, dancing and singing.


This is a festival done when some one tends to get married , where people are gathered, cooking, eating and dancing. And a girl/ women to be married is trained on how to handle her husband. There after a woman is submitted to her husband ready for marriage life.


This is a festival attempted by both male and female during the night under the luner calendar. The main activity in the process of celebration is singing and dancing by sorting one another.Through this celebration it is a place where men and women finds women to marry. This is done from February to march.


This is the most famous festival celebrated by sambaa people. This is done specifically to married women after being pregnanted during martenity live. After giving birth mother – in law receives various things from man’s family associated with songs, drums and dancing . Women wear clothes with various says. Man’s family is responsible to give the names to the kids and those names actually starts with letter “she” for men like Shekilindi , Shelukinga , Shemboko ,Shembilu and “ma” for women like Mamtambo , mahiza ,Makugaya , maugoe etc. And those names have their meanings.


This is a festival held by kilindi people. It is celebrated to ask gods and Almight God for guidance over the farming seasons specifically rainfall. The significance of this festival is cleasing of the land of evil spirits .Also involves drums, songs and traditional dancing. It is celebrated at Mbaramo , Mlalo , Mtae and Kivingo. This is held annually at mbaramo where chiefs lives by then. The significance of this festival is to appeal to the gods for good rains and successfully farming season.


This is animal horn used to alert people during emergence . This is done at the pick of the mountain so that every one around the area can hear it and get ready to the situation on how to combat / react against it.


This is a sambaa traditional drum which ring alone after detecting the dangerous situation to consult people around the society. This drum is located on a special house nearly to chief’s house. After people heard this drum gets ready to react against the situation. The significance of this festival is to mark dangerous situation. This drum ring without human involvement.


It is thanksgiving offering for good harvest practiced by samba people before they harvest their crops. The main activity is the sacrificial offering of crops before taking them to home. People believes that, in doing so, this will protect them from various diseases associated with those harvests. The sacrificial offering is done along the high ways / crossroads. There are hosts of sacrificies followed by merry-making to climax it. This is done on January annually.


This process is practiced specifically by sambaa people , where by people remember their ancestors and ask for their help and protection. This is used to purify the whole family members from diseases, lost of some one in accordance with samba traditional spirits. This celebration is done by using calabash and local beer.


This tour will take you every where you want with motorcycle near to Mbaramo rainforest, Mnazi village , Mkomazi National Park and every where you want where car cant but the motorcycle can reach.


Usambaa Tourism Company ENTERPRISES

These are the programme that you can learn and share the different ideas from our local Artisans here in Lushoto or Usambaa as part of the Art workshops that you will be connected with our local Artist who will teach you the basic skills on how to make things from the local materials as part of our daily activities in our workshop in Mbaramo Ward and other things as part of their daily life.